My One True Desire..

3 min readNov 2, 2020

For 20 full years, I’ve been instructed on what to do and what not to by my parents. I scored high grades, learned all about the culture I grew in, and even had to attend all the bull crap ceremonies, weddings, and celebrations that I certainly did not relish. Religiously, I was pious. Academically, I was on the right path. Economically, I was doing great. Even though I was literally following my parent’s lead, I didn’t have an issue doing it. I did not have a goal in my mind or a dream to direct my focus on. I went where the waves stirred me. It’s not that I have a feeble personality, cause mine is pretty sharp. It’s just that I lacked purpose. I spent my time on video games and watching TV series. I would seek to learn new things, but it always ends up in vain. I was lost, not knowing what to do with my life and time. In society’s eyes, I was exceptional, I was the son that every parent craved. However, the voice rumbling inside of me always told me otherwise. I knew I had to change something. I always knew that this life was not meant for me. I was not aware of what I want to achieve. I was living life cause I just had to live. I was emotionless, frightened of change.

*A bit of context about me, I used to have a best friend with which I shared and did everything. I had the best days of my life with him. In 10th grade, he went to Romania due to family financial issues. My last two years in high school were rubbish. I spent my days’ gaming, not caring about anything else — even though I was one of the most beloved kids back then lmao. I used to study and play games with him remotely. I just could not take in the fact that he is gone, it was awful. After high school, I had to undertake the compulsory one full year of military service in which I met my current friends and my home-boy Ammar. It wasn’t that fabulous, neither that atrocious. I learned many things, engaged with new people, and unraveled new things about myself that I did not know it even existed.*

Fast forward to today, my life transformed after the military service. I became aware of what I aspire, and what I want to accomplish with my life. I went with Ammar to the same college, pretty fun I can say. I spend most of my social time with the boys. I’m pretty grateful that I met these guys. Anyhow, last year, I went on my first hiking adventure with Ammar. It was monumental, life-changing to some extent. Shame that it was at the end of the winter season since I was too damn eager to do another one. In summer, the temperature goes all the way up to 50 degrees. Hiking in such heat is not an option. I was contemplating whether or not I should go on that hike, since I was scared shitlessly. FYI, I get terrified from heights, no joke. Nonetheless, I gathered up all of my courage and went. All I can say is that it’s the best decision I have ever taken.

From that point onwards, going outdoors became my passion. I became obsessed with hiking and camping in the wilds. Winter has started in the UAE, and I’ve already hiked 4 different mountains. I still have 3 to 4 months to go. I’m really excited about whatever’s going to happen next in my journey. To some people that might sound petty, insignificant. But for me it was life-altering. To finally have a thing of my own, something to live for, a purpose, is everything. I can finally look to the future. I have so many goals set in my mind. I want to go sky-diving, glide-riding, and even fight with lions. I want to be one with nature. From ashes, we were born, and to ashes, we shall return.




Free spirit roaming around the streets of Dubai. I live my life to its fullest! From ashes we rose, and to ashes we shall return. Have a good day everybody!