Fleeting Idealizations

2 min readOct 31, 2020

Mental conviction, sometimes known as belief, is not a trivial matter.

I have perpetually queried about the nature of our existence. Opinions differ from one’s faith to another. Some people assert that our actuality is by luck, a mere coincidence. Others believe our reality is a part of a grander purpose. Any of these hypotheses can be authentic. We live in a world that is abundant in various assumptions and notions. If I expose what I believe in, mortals will reprehend me for no explicit justification. Am I not a liberated spirit that can comprehend and conceive whatever acceptance that I find befitting? Am I alleged to be influenced by what others believe in? No. The brain is not a suggestible instrument. The brain’s prime aspiration is to query and cogitate about the fundamental point of permanence. As a wise man once said: Thinking is hard, that’s why most people tend to judge. It’s utterly tolerable to be somewhat peculiar or contrastive than the rest of the beings. I admire individuals that stand up to their intuitions and presumptions. After all, only one percent of all beings get to live the life that they prolonged dreamed of.

Life is indeed the most prominent endowment you can ever apprehend. Many people don’t get to enjoy it for numerous reasons. The contentious question has to be asked now, does money induce happiness? Opinions vary from one’s perspective to another’s. For instance, I really do believe that saying. Others might dissent with me. It’s totally tolerable. I respect what you believe in, why can’t you do the same. Some people are, in fact, preposterous. I’ve been under the influence of other people’s judgments ever since I was a little infant. I think its time to try things on my own. That’s the best part of growing up, or simply maturing.

Let’s talk about me for a bit. I know it sounds narcissistic, but bear with me, please. I, personally speaking, do not believe in equality. It’s absurd. Men and women were designed differently for a reason. I deem that each organism on this planet has a meaning, a purpose. This belief includes the two genders. That’s another topic to be articulated for another time lol (two genders). Other than the physical and mental capabilities of both genders, both sexes have different aspirations and intentions to implement and accomplish. Men are the providers, and women are the caretakers. That was the case for hundreds of thousands of years. What changed? Is it because of modernization? It doesn’t make sense. I’m not corresponding to the fact that everybody should be treated in the same manner, because everybody should. Nobody’s more significant than another. It’s the hard work that determines where you are in the societal pyramid. I’m not an ancient minded guy or what-so-ever. I lived for 19 straight years on this planet, and this is my perception of life. Life is beautiful and straightforward. You get what you deserve, sooner or later. I wish that I can go back and live in the old days, when life was sincere and transparent. That’s never going to occur though, lol.




Free spirit roaming around the streets of Dubai. I live my life to its fullest! From ashes we rose, and to ashes we shall return. Have a good day everybody!